Hello there, welcome to DRAFT EXCLUDER

I decided to start writing a blog again after… ten years. I had a small blogger account I used as an early graduate to riff on ideas and inspiration, with a light academic bent. But I quickly became quite self conscious and stopped. As my artistic output waned, I felt like a sham and generally didn’t want to draw attention to myself or what I was doing. Time to be small!

So what’s changed? Well I’ve been feeling for long time that Meta run platforms (FB, IG) are not a great space for a creative person to hang about. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people who have become very successful due to their hard work on these platforms, but I simply don’t like the way it makes me feel. And that’s important to me and how I operate as an artist.

Like many social media users I have a complicated relationship with these platforms, and my sentiments are far from new. But to cut a long story short, I decided to restart my blogging to give myself a place to express thoughts, explore ideas, and give BTS content on what I’m creating. I think I needed a space that didn’t feel harangued by an algorithm, had a looser structure, and a place where I could actually indulge my interests, regardless of who is or isn’t reading. Utopian ideals live on.

What can you expect from DRAFT EXCLUDER? Well, I’ll aim to talk about art and art making, but also will cover books and various tops that feed into my practice and life generally. Thank you for joining me.